About lens roam

Over the course of a few days in early 2023, I lost my job, someone I love entered long-term hospitalisation, and my marriage of nearly 20 years came to an end. Once the dust had started to settle I picked up my camera and focused, for the first time in a while, on making pictures rather than all the other things. Indeed, the mindful pursuit of photography took me away from everything else I had on my plate and allowed me, whilst out and about looking for a good shot, an escape whilst also giving me an excuse to nosey my way into the places and situations I’d otherwise never had found myself in.

It wasn’t the first time in my life I’d shot photos - I’ve had an on-again off-again passion for photography my whole life. I shot film in the early 1990’s, bought my first digital camera in 1997, moved into drones in a big way in about 2015, then mostly just used my mobile for in the moment snaps that occurred between special occasions when I got out my “real camera”. I’m glad I rediscovered my love both of cameras and the ability to make images that show others who I see the world.

I’m mostly interested in architecture (places) and the spaces of the built environment and am a little bit obsessed about symmetry and reflections. I also like transport and industry. I’m not a big fan of portraits or fine art photographs, although some of my images do contain people or abstract perspectives.

I set up this website to share some of my photos and because the MA Documentary Photography course (at University of the Arts London) I started in September 2024 requires a method for easily sharing assignments for critique. Here I also intend to share photographs that weren’t taken for the course, including a travel blog I’m planning to write to coincide with the year of unlimited flights with Wizz Air that I recently plonked down €500 for.

Anyway, that’s enough about me and this website for now. I hope you find some pictures you enjoy.


Assignment One: People at Work